#03 Inman Park Pet Works
Door #3, Inman Park Pet Works
To see Door 3 for yourself, visit Inman Park Pet Works at 914 Austin Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307
December 2014 – Replaced Aug. 2016
Some of our favorite tagged images are of dogs in front of Tiny Doors! Door #3 is in front of a pet store called Inman Park Pet Works. This installation features a doggie door and a bulletin board for tiny announcements. We want each door to fit into its surroundings and to be a reflection of the neighborhood.
Over the years, folks have left many miniature bulletins including posters for Snoop Dogg (get it?) and Blue’s Clues. Tiny animals and packages have also appeared. This door was the longest-lasting wooden door, and was replaced with a resin replica in 2018.
Here's some tiny trivia- that dog butt is actually a cat butt!